Retirement cost of living is officially on the rise: with ASFA increasing the retirement cost of living budgets by up to 1.6% for the quarter. They blamed energy, fuel and utilities costs this quarter for the hits.
You are awesome. Your info is helpfull and insightfull, especially when people remain juggling work, health issues and family. Time strapped. At least I have some new gained knowledge through your book and emails. I have more confidence in tackling the highs and low of semi retirement. I compromised a lot for housing and super throughout my work life ( minimal holidays etc). Now completed reno's and assist kids when I can but I remain with a modest super. I've nursed 50 yrs in some places people have not heard of. 18 hrs a day etc. So if I'm legally able to access full or part time age pension when the time comes....I will. I've done my time in the work force. I should be able to retire comfortably. Not excessively. Comfortably.
You are awesome. Your info is helpfull and insightfull, especially when people remain juggling work, health issues and family. Time strapped. At least I have some new gained knowledge through your book and emails. I have more confidence in tackling the highs and low of semi retirement. I compromised a lot for housing and super throughout my work life ( minimal holidays etc). Now completed reno's and assist kids when I can but I remain with a modest super. I've nursed 50 yrs in some places people have not heard of. 18 hrs a day etc. So if I'm legally able to access full or part time age pension when the time comes....I will. I've done my time in the work force. I should be able to retire comfortably. Not excessively. Comfortably.